Stratton Churchway Bowls Club

Stratton Churchway Bowls Club - Review 2021

2021 Opening
As the country was starting see COVID-19 restrictions lifting thoughts turned to wondering what the 2021 season would be like.
In March, Bowls Wiltshire announced that Leagues would be only half a season running from July. S&D Men's followed suit and after some to'ing and fro'ing so did the S&D Ladies. 

The Club Committee also worked hard behind the scenes to make things safe whilst working within Government Guidelines. The Green opened on Friday 16th April and a Friday Evening League was introduced along with several Midweek Evening Friendlies and an internal Midweek Afternoon League.  

The Club has also been lucky enough to recruit a good number of new members either through existing members or though the Bowls England “Big Bowls Weekend” events that were held over the May Bank Holiday weekend. 


Congratulations to the Triple of Janet Willis, Jo Bryant and Wendy Anderson on winning the  BENEVOLMENT TRIPLES after over coming
J.Coleman of Amesbury in a very close semi-final and then going on beat L.Perfitt of Westlecott in the final 17-11.
In the UNBADGED SINGLES Deborah Hitchcox beat Khalila Hussain in the semi-final in a very close game 15-14. Unfortunately, Deborah lost the final to 
S Crabbe (Avon) on an Extra End 15-14.

The Men's S&D team performed strongly and finished 2nd in the truncated season which is a remarkable achievement as they narrowly avoided relegation the season before.

In the Wilts 4 rink the team won 4 and lost 4 but perhaps the season was summed up by the farce surrounding the final game, where both clubs thought they were at home and the fixture against Town Gardens was unable to be re-arranged. 

The Wilts 3 Rink and Ladies also played League matches but no League tables were produced and sadly we have had to withdraw a Ladies Team from the Afternoon League for 2022. 

In September we started with the annual Stratton Floodlight Gala competition which was won by West End.  We ended September with Finals Weekend which saw James Bryant and Khalila Hussain win the Men's and Ladies Singles Championships prior to the Green being closed following One in the Head.
On Sunday 4th July, Jennette Maisey and Khalila Hussain won the inaugural Disability Bowls England Ladies Pairs Championship.

Congratulations are in order to the Mens Team for coming runners up in the Eddie Wells Trophy losing to Highworth. 

The competition is played by four triples over 18 ends and this year ‘two woods’.

It was a close contest in the early stages with nothing much between Stratton and Highworth. As the match progressed Highworth gradually took charge and ran out winners. The result was 2 Rinks to Highworth and 1 Rink to Stratton with the other Rink being drawn. 

In the Final Of the Officers Cup Barry Romain just losing out to Stuart Murray of Highworth in a high quality game 21-18. 
Eddie Wells Team
Club Finals
Mens Pairs 2021